"When does the newborn session take place?"

I get this question a lot when people inquire about a newborn session. My answer is always "within the first two weeks of birth." Why? The younger the baby, the more likely they are sleepy and stay sleepy. That's one of the main goals of a newborn session....getting them to sleep! I've found that once a baby hits the two week mark and creeping up on the three week mark, they tend to be a little more alert and more likely to be touchy or easily startled. I've also found that the younger the baby, the "squishier/bendier" they are. Sounds weird, but it's true! You also want to get them in early before they start to lose some of those adorable, brand new baby features! Like their tiny little lips, fingers, and back rolls :)

newborn photography packages, Wichita KS Newborn Photographer, newborn photos near me
newborn photography packages, Wichita KS Newborn Photographer, newborn photos near me

Other Factors

There are other factors to consider when deciding what time frame is best to photograph newborns.

Cluster Feeding- This seems to occur around the 10 day age. And this is when allllll they want to do is eat! I always tell my clients to either feed right before they leave their house or they are also welcome to feed when they arrive to my studio. But when baby seems to wake up a lot during the session acting like they are starving and haven't eaten in days...most likely they are cluster feeding! This can cause a repeated "start/stop" pattern to the session and can eat up a lot of time.

NICU/ Premature Babies- Sometimes we are able to push back a newborn session if they baby arrives premature. Which is totally fine because, of course, we want baby to be healthy! And often times, premature babies are born much smaller and we want them to be at a healthy weight, as well. When a baby has been born premature or has been in the NICU for some time, I just tell the parent to let me know when they are released to go home and we'll get them in soon after! With premature babies, I do feel like there is more wiggle room on their session time frame since they do tend to be on the smaller side. The smallest I've photographed is 4lbs and they did great!

Last Minute Bookings- Ah, the last minute inquiries. "I'd love to book a session. I just had my baby three weeks ago!"

Although, that's not my ideal time frame....I'm so bad at saying "no" and turning newborn clients down. I just let the client know that with how old the baby is, we most likely will have to keep the baby wrapped up for the majority of the session. Older newborns tend to get a little wiggly! Sometimes the session goes just fine annnnnnd sometimes, well, not so well. haha!

newborn photography packages, Wichita KS Newborn Photographer, newborn photos near me
newborn photography packages, Wichita KS Newborn Photographer, newborn photos near me

Every baby is different.

I tell you all these factors as if they are set in stone....but the thing about newborn photography is that you've gotta be prepared because you never know how baby will be. I've had some super new babies be difficult, but then some older babies be perfect. (I once wrapped up a six week old baby girl and she slept the whole time!) In this line of work, you really just gotta roll with the punches. And finding a professional and experienced photographer that knows how to get your baby is sleep in any scenario is always your best bet!

newborn photography packages, Wichita KS Newborn Photographer, newborn photos near me
newborn photography packages, Wichita KS Newborn Photographer, newborn photos near me

Book with me!

If you're in need of a newborn photographer and are in the Wichita, Derby, Andover, Augusta, Winfield, or Ponca City areas....contact me!